F*** Off Anxiety
I don't want to start the week of talking about something negative and it shouldn't be taken as negative either. So, Let's jump into it!
The reason I'm writing you this today is because the last week has been a tough one for me and I think it might be able to help you. I develop anxiety around this time last year and I know it's very common now!
If you're reading this thinking.
"Yeah, yeah everyone has anxiety. Just get over it!"
Don't worry, I thought the same.
It's definitely self-inflicted and can be controlled. Mine is definitely caused by putting to much pressure on myself both with business and in my own training.
"Perfectly happy or content on the outside. Their public life is usually one that’s “put together,” maybe even what some would call normal or perfect. But what's going on inside?"
The mind and body are not separate. Evidence actually shows that there is a link between being physically active and enjoying positive mental wellbeing.
Evidence shows that being physically active can protect people against depression and anxiety as it causes chemical changes in the brain which can positively alter the mood. It also brings about a sense of greater self-esteem, self-control and the ability to rise to a challenge.
The benefits of working out
Less tension, stress and mental fatigue
A natural energy boost
Improved sleep
A sense of achievement
Focus in life and motivation
Less anger or frustration
A healthy appetite
A better social life
Having fun!
Being active doesn’t mean going to the gym, taking up jogging or joining a sports team. There are lots of ways to be active and they don’t need to cost much money. Adopting a more active lifestyle can be as simple as doing daily tasks more energetically, or making small changes to your routine.
Walk the children or grandchildren to school, then jog home.
Speed up the housework. Tidy up faster until you feel warm.
Put some music on for a 10-minute dance.
Apply more elbow grease when cleaning the car.
Time your daily walks to and from the train station. Can you walk faster?
Use the stairs for journeys less than four floors.
Use your lunch hour. Take a brisk walk, do an exercise class or go for a swim.
Don’t pick up the phone; walk to see a colleague.
If I can help in any way or you just want a chat, please pop me a message on Instagram or an email.
I hope this write up was able to help you and give you some ideas on how to deal with your Anxiety.
"Look after your mind"
Talk to you soon,