Movement Selection For Muscle Gain
As a Personal Trainer in London. I observe a lot of people doing training routines that have no structure or intent. This will cause a lack of results and possibly injuries. Selecting the right movements for muscle gain or your personal goals are extremely important.
This is one of the most vital things to think about being a coach and in your own training.
To put it simply, we are all building and put together different. With our own unique ranges of movement, this could be genetic, environmental (how you work, sit and strand) and from injuries.
To progress with your training and build muscle it’s KEY that you are making progress. If you’re doing movements that cause pain, discomfort and simply reck you! Preventing you from full recovery. These movements need to be swapped or volume needs to be adapted.
For example.
If I did Back Squats today and I have Deadlifts, Rack Pulls, RDLs or a Bent Over tomorrow. I know I can’t take that much loading or volume on my lower back/body. This is when it’s important to separate these movements, so I can fully recover. This can be said about your sets and reps. But that’s a topic for another day.
I want you to ask yourself.
Do you get any pain with movements?
Are you seeing results?
Are you progressing?
Are you recovering?
If you are struggling with any of the above. Please, pop me a message and lets come up with a solution.
Stay positive,