Stress Management & Self Awareness
What’s going on ladies and gents?
I want to cover a couple of little topics today. Both of which will help you HUGELY with your goal. Whether its fat loss, muscle building or you just want to change the way you look and feel.
Let’s start by taking control.
Self-awareness for fat loss, muscle gain, mind and body confidence
What are you a thermostat or thermometer?
A thermostat doesn’t let the environment control it. A thermometer moulds to its environment.
To be a thermostat you have to set goals and to work in ways to bring the current environment to where you want it to be.
A thermometer gives you information, this data is useless unless change can be made. That’s what a thermostat does! It’s clear about where it wants to be, and the knows the steps needed to get there.
This applies to life “that’s where I’m going with this”. if you’re in an unhappy relationship, you can’t accept it. You MUST change it. If the people you surround yourself with all behave in a certain way, we shouldn’t behave just to fit in, make your own path.
Do you want to reflect the environment, or do you want to be the change? Don’t just fix things when they break, build things to last. Change your own expectations, change your perspective, lay the foundations for the rest of your life! Don’t be afraid of standing out because you’re different. You think differently or you act different, that’s good!
So much good will come from worrying less about being like everybody else!
Stress management for weight loss
I see and hear this far to often, people worrying about.
What exercise are best?
How many calories should I be eating?
Is this the best food for fat loss?
Should I try no carbs?
STOP! Keep it really simple…
Are you stressed?
Stress comes in many forms. Physical/exercise, mental, emotional, structural, digestive, environment and societal.
Stress will result in bad nights sleeps, increased cravings/binging, digestive disorders and stress will throw your hormones out of whack!
So, I wouldn’t worry about “no carbs” manage your stress first. Once this is more under control, then you can take the next steps in achieving your goals.
Tips to reduce your stress:
1. Write a to-do list
2. Take time out for yourself
3. Breath, deep controlled breaths for 1min daily.
4. Write out your feelings on paper or talk to someone.
5. Take control!
6. Eliminate unhealthy environments and people.
7. Work smarter, not harder.
8. Write down 3 things every day you are grateful for.
9. Accept the things you can’t control.
10. SMILE! Is it really that bad?
Always here, if you have any questions or you’re fancy any of these issues.
Please don't hesitate to pop me a message.
Stay positive,