The Best Abs Workout
The Best Abs Workout For Upper Abs, Lower Abs, And Obliques
The Abdominals are composed primarily of fast-twitch muscle fibres, which means that they have the potential to grow quickly, and respond best to rep ranges in the 8-12 bracket.
In my experience the best way to train your abs into action is to do 2 to 3 different exercises with sufficient resistance, then move from exercise to exercise in one superset or tri-set.
You rest briefly between moves, then get a longer rest after the final exercise, then have a longer rest before repeating. superset/tri-set, lasting just 10-15 minutes, two to three times per week will do the job.
After your weight-training movements, such as squats, deadlifts, chins and dips, should provide more than enough stimulus to maintain your new-found abs.
There are 3 workouts below pick one of the following workouts and add this to the end of your workout.
Sticking to the reps and rest periods detailed. after the final move, rest, then repeat the superset or tri-set a total of three times.
Workout 1
Workout 2
Workout 3
If you really do want to invest in your results and make all the effort, you’re putting in worthwhile, pop me a message and we can talk about what I can do to help you.
Coaching really is only for those willing to make that investment in their health and their body, but I know that if you’re reading this, you’re already dedicated to getting healthier, stronger, lean and more confident, so send me a message and let’s talk about stepping things up a gear.
Stay positive,