The secret to fat loss
Weight Loss.
A goal for most, including myself at the moment.
But before we start our weight loss journey, there is a stage before. An area that is skipped by so many! It’s skipped because most want fast results. People jump into 5 days a week weight training or fitness classes, cardio every day and cutting out carbs.
Slow down, if you want to keep your body fat off for the rest of your life. Let’s plan it out first.
Phase 1 – Priming (Healthy Habits & Routines)
When I start with ANY client, we plan out their journey.
What’s the goal?
Do you have a deadline?
How do you feel now?
How do you want to look and feel in 6 months’ time?
From here we break down the weeks and months leading to their deadline. We all have a different starting point, some might respond quickly in their priming phase. Others it might take a little longer, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the final outcome, looking and the feeling the way you want to “don’t worry about Sarah’s fat loss progress” it’s your journey.
Priming to body ready to drop body fat.
This includes:
1. Building a solid daily routine
2. Morning and evening routines
3. Making lifestyle changes
4. Small nutrition changes
5. Drinking more water
6. Improving sleep and digestion
7. Reducing and managing stress
8. Becoming more organised (time management)
9. Eating more Fruit and Veg
10. Building a solid workout routine
In this Priming phase, many will lose body fat as they are becoming healthier alone.
If you’re on your fat loss journey and struggling to see the results you want. Take a step back and access the points above. Did you prime your mind and body first?
If you’re ready to start your journey, start by priming your body and mind.
I'm taking on five new online clients. If you want to leave lockdown leaner, healthier and more confident. Pop me a message.
Stay healthy and positive,