The Best Bodyweight Workout

What’s the best bodyweight workout plan for you? 

“The one you can stick to for a period of time that suits your lifestyle” 

Yeah, there’s no right answer or “perfect plan” sorry for the bad news. But this is good news really. There’s no “perfect training plan”

If you’re a busy office worker, have kids and you want to train 6 days per week, but realistically can only train 3 times per week. Theses no point in doing 6 days as you can’t stick to it. Just the same as training splits. If you can’t recover from it and progress isn’t happening, this isn’t the plan for you.

What you should include:
1. Train each muscle group x2 per week
2. 2-3 days training, then add in a rest day. This will depend on your recovery rate. 
3. Each muscle group has 6-8 working sets minimum per week.

At the end of the day, it’s very personal. 
Find one that suits your life.

Bodyweight workouts

Session 1

 5 exercises,

50 seconds work,

30 seconds rest,

complete 5 rounds.

·       Squat jumps

·       Walk-outs and push up

·       Sprint on the spot / knees high

·       High plank shoulder taps

·       Reverse lunges / alternating legs

Session 2

5km Run

(record your run time)

Circuit Finisher

·       20 alternating lunges

·       15 Jump squats

·       10 Push ups

·       10 Toe touches

Click here for your FREE Home & Outdoor Workout Plan

Stay positive, Brandon

Stay positive,
