3 Reason To Lift Heavy For Weight Loss

3 Reason To Lift Heavy For Weight Loss. 

'I don't want to get bulky'
'I want to tone'
'I need to use lighter weights and more reps so I can work up a sweat and burn fat'
'I don't want to look like a bodybuilder'.

As a personal trainer in Gymbox, London. on a busy gym floor, I often hear phrases like this from people trying to lose body fat in the gym. These comments are used to 'justify' high-repetition, low-weight, short-rest workouts that they incorrectly believed to be the best way to burn off that excess fat. 

Too often I have personal training consultations with individuals in London who want to change the way they look and feel. But don't follow through with the execution. With summer around the corner, I want you to start to sculpt your summer body now. PLEASE, don't leave it to 4 weeks before your holiday with some crazy low carb diet! 

Today marks 14 weeks until the 1st of June. probably around the time you have your summer events going on...
This gives you 14 weeks to get leaner, stronger, healthier and more confident in your skin.

If you have struggled to achieve the body you've always wanted for summer before. You don't know where or how to start your journey. Message me, then we can jump on a call and put a plan together for you. 

Stay positive, 