5 Habit Swaps for Fat Loss

Building Habits is KEY for weight loss

Personal training busy one to one clients in London, one of the most overlooked aspects of weight loss I see is the ability to change current habits into those that are conducive with fat loss goals. People fail to succeed at their weight loss for a very simple reason, they try and change way too much and do it all at once. 

Your current habits away from going to the gym, working and socialising are the very ones that are preventing you from getting in shape. There’s more to fat loss than just working out and following a program, you have to take accountability for what you’re trying to achieve.  

So here are a few habits that people do every day:

  1. Get up late for work 

  2. Go for a drink in the evening after work. 

  3. Not planning out your day wisely leaving you no time from the minute you get into the minute you leave work 

  4. Staying up late at night watching Netflix or on social media 

  5. Buying a meal day from the shop every day

So how can we change some of these Habits? To make them more like the habits of someone who wanted to be in incredible shape.

  1. Getting up 45 minutes earlier. Time to prepare healthy meals for the day, before work 

  2. Get a workout buddy. Avoid spending too much time in a social environment where everyone is drinking. 

  3. Take control of your diary. When you take control of your own diary and write in times when you want to train, socialise or eat, you will have time.  

  4. Have a bedtime “10pm every night” Going bed at the same earlier time every night you will find it easier to wake up and you will  more energy for the day ahead  

  5. The meals you prepared this morning. Take them with you. When you have your own food with you will not be hungry and will have no need to go to the shop for food. 

To avoid taking on too much at once, pick one habit at a time from the list above. Stick to it solidly for exactly 21 days. Don't introduce a new habit until the first one is set in stone.

Let me know how you get on.

If you have any questions or you're facing any barriers regarding your fat loss journey. Please, don’t hesitate to pop me a message and we can overcome these barriers. Brandonhepburnpt@gmail.com

If you have any questions or you're facing any barriers regarding your fat loss journey. Please, don’t hesitate to pop me a message and we can overcome these barriers.
